29 Mar 2016
Quebrando o padrão de textos em inglês (ainda farei um blog multi linguagem), hoje lhes apresento o resumo de uma das experiências mais enriquecedoras que tive nos últimos tempos: participar da Startup Weekend Agro Cascavel 2016. Sem sombra de dúvidas, valeu cada minuto do meu final de semana!
14 Mar 2016
Nice way to deploy Baunilha, using Ansible.
07 Mar 2016
One of my company’s client was running a Squid Proxy/Cache for two different branches with two Multiple Squid Instances bound to two different ports. Everythin was running smoothly, until he opened the following request: I need to track down how much bandwith each branch office is using, if possible, by the proxy internal IP address that must be inside the branch’s VLAN. To solve this problem, I now had to run not just in different ports, but also in different IPs going out different gateways. That should be fun, and ineed was.
04 Mar 2016
Inside joke: me and some friends were drinking and hanging out one night. As it goes, we started to read one of my friend’s tweets. He just posts melancholic stuff about life and his pursued lovers, it was so silly it turns out comic. To make them even funnier, we put in Google Translator to be read. The night was over, I can’t remember a day that I laugh so hard. This day the idea behind Baunilha was born.
04 Feb 2016
As defined by Wikipedia, Zabbix is an enterprise open source monitoring solution for networks and applications, created by Alexei Vladishev. It is designed to monitor and track the status of various network services, servers, and other network hardware. It is released under GPL and backed by a company named Zabbix.
25 Jan 2016
In the last post, I wrote about how Ravello Systems brought a new way of doing cloud computing, specializing in cloud abstraction, nested virtualizaion and L2/L3 networking. Naturally, as a mature application, Ravello also has a REST API that allows to manage its resources in a programmatically way. That is what I’m going to talk about today.
20 Jan 2016
Playing around with cloud computing is much more fun with Ravello Systems. Why? Just read they description on Google: Easily run any virtual environment lab (VMware / KVM) with any networking topology in AWS or Google cloud without modifications using nested virtualization.
11 Jan 2016
Vagrant is a tool used to create local development environments as quickly as possible, helping eliminate the “works on my machine” bug. It is also great to test configuration management code, like Ansible and Puppet.
04 Jun 2015
I didnt’ like to code, I couldn’t trust the automation scripts: they seem too fragile, always bugging around when moved between systems and creating an unreliable environment. Setting up everything manually, GUI or console, makes you feel strong, in total control of the process, you know that every mistake can be solved through right away, by poking around in the logs, configuration files and Google Search. Hell, sysadmins love to see things happen, to touch the hardware, to listen that datacenter noise. [Un]fortunately, those dogs days are over.
08 May 2015
One of the first things I learned in Linux was (at the time, unusable) terminal navigation shortcuts. CTRL + P to the previous command, CTRL + N to the next command, CTRL + F to forward one character and CTRL + B to backward one character. Why should I use this if I got a set of arrows just next to my hand?
15 Mar 2015
Installing a new OS from scratch (physical or virtual) sucks…