Deploy Everyday Jojo's Life and Internet

Primeiros dias em Medellín

A vida nômade começou em Medellín!

The Zen of Serverless

As I Python lover, I feel inspired every time I read the Zen of Python – a manifesto that guides the heart of all the fellow Pythonistas. Now, I present you the Zen of Serverless!

Django + Jupyter = ❤️

Gosta de Django? Simmm! Gosta de Jupyter? Simmm! Então imagina os dois juntos…

Building a Serverless Image Resizer

Today we are going to explore a little bit of the AWS Lambda environment by building an Image Resizer. It will use a AWS S3 bucket as the source event, manipulating any image uploaded to it and saving the resized one in another bucket. First, everything will be done manually, using even the code editor available in Lambda, and we will finish by automating the package and deploy with Zappa. I assume you already have an AWS account and some basic knowledge of they services.

What is Serverless all about?

Serverless. The new hype buzzword is taking over the development universe, promising big savings in infrastructure for applications and less deployment headaches to developers. In an agile world, shipping scalable software with budget constraints has become a big puzzle: one that Serverless may solve.

Caipyra 2017

Come for the language, stay for the community. This is possible the most loved phrase at Python Conferences – said by our loved Naomi Ceder – and it will never by a *cliché*. Every time I go to an event, conference or local meetup I feel glad to be part of this community, and the Caipyra 2017 wasn’t different.

API Design: Think First, Code Later

As a software developer, I know how hard it is to contain the urge to start coding as soon as we can. After the first sprint planning, our fingers – uncontrolled, hungry creatures – want to start smashing the keyboard, translating our ideas into code fastly and furiously. Despite how great we feel while developing, it’s always a good idea to take a step back, especially when building something that could be used by many different users – like an API is. A. In this post, I’ll show you why and how to design a properly-thought API.

Some thoughts on writing almost everyday

On September 19th I wrote a post promising myself to write one post everyday. I was at a hype to constantly share something with the world and put my share out there, every single day. In nine days I published eight articles, mostly about Docker Compose, since I was learning about that. Then I got homesick for a whole week, with too much headache to continue on doing that, and stopped 😉

Composing Docker Environments: Scaling I

Application scaling is the magic trick everyone is talking about. All the cool kids are scaling their environments up and down and using containers. Scaling Docker is not an exact science: you can do it by hand (but please don’t) or use orchestration software like Kubernetes or Swarm. Today we are going to see how to scale Docker Compose using a single host :whale:

New experimental setup (text editor and stuff)

Today I will take a break from containers and write a little bit about how I get stuff from my head into zeros and ones. I’ve been using open source operating systems – a.k.a. Linux – for 6 years and last month I got a Macbook Pro from work and once again I went into the wild searching for awesome stuff to run on OS X :sunglasses:

Composing Docker Environments: Storage

Docker storage is a huuuuuuuge topic. It includes images, containers, drivers, volumes, layered file system and so on. If you want to start mastering your data, this is the right place! :whale:

Quick Tip: Accessing Docker xhyve machine!

Docker is ~almost~ native on Mac OS X. In its later version, 1.12, the team implemented Docker Machine with xhyve by default. But how can I access it? :whale:

Composing Docker Environments: Networking

Web framework? Got it! Database? Yep! Today we are going to see how can we link both services through the Docker network. It can a be pretty simple and quick configuration, but it also exposes a mature surface to be explored. :whale:

Composing Docker Environments: Services, Images and Builds

Today we continue talking about Docker Compose, following by the last post. We are going to lay out a foundation to build our environment, commit by commit, and also explore the concepts of services, images and builds. :whale:

Composing Docker Environments

Docker is awesome, but running containers by hand is awful. You can improve your environment using docker-compose to create multi-container applications.

One post everyday!

I just read Swizec’s post on publishing everyday and I got mad.

Avoiding race condition on Docker Compose

When using multiple containers approach with Docker Compose, we often get race condition issues, where the application server depends on the database, but the first one ends up running too early and may break the stack. Here, we’re gonna see a Python way to solve this problem.


Entre os dias 13 e 16 de Julho de 2016 aconteceu o 17º Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, em Porto Alegre/RS. Esse foi o primeiro FISL que participei, e foi incrível! Falei sobre Ansible, troquei uma ideia com diversas comunidades e dei um rolê pela capital do Rio Grande do Sul!

AWS EC2 Metadata

You need to create a script for sending custom metrics do CloudWatch, separated by the instance name. But this script should be generic and applied in various EC2 instances. How can we know the instance ID or its public IP? We may use EC2 Metadata!

SC Dev Summit 2016

Nos dias 20 e 21 de maio aconteceu em Joinville/SC a primeira SC Dev Summit, realizado pelo pessoal do PHPSC e Front In Joinville. Fica aqui um pequeno resumo do que rolou nesses dois dias!